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AI Tools for Public Defenders

LegalServer was founded on the understanding that technology plays a critical role in ensuring equal access to justice. We believe that cutting-edge solutions - including Artificial Intelligence (AI) - can help streamline processes, save time, and empower public defenders to provide vulnerable populations with the best possible defense.

LegalServer incorporates several advanced AI capabilities to help attorneys efficiently review and analyze vast amounts of information within a robust case management platform. Here are some of the most current and impactful AI-based tools public defenders will be able to leverage in LegalServer. With the speed at which AI is evolving, stay tuned for what we’re creating next.

Transcription of Audio and Video Files

Transcription turns voice into searchable text, allowing attorneys to pinpoint exactly where a particular statement was made in a video, saving countless hours of manual review. It can also analyze a video to determine if certain things were said in the audio file, such as a police officer reading someone their Miranda Rights.

Video/Image Recognition and Description

Image Recognition is the utilization of AI to identify and describe what it sees within an image or a video, including identifying people or objects (e.g., a firearm) within the video. Such entities are annotated and connected to a corresponding person or evidence record in LegalServer.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

OCR extracts the underlying words in an image-based document (such as a PDF), and transforms it into searchable text.

Entity Extraction within Documents

Named Entity Recognition (NER) is a natural language processing (NLP) component that identifies and extracts specific data from a document. Examples include kicking off an Intake by uploading a Charging Document (indictment) to extract items like the defendant’s name, the date of the alleged crime, the date of the arrest, and the corresponding charges and victims identified within the document. Another example is uploading a trial transcript to have the participants (including roles) identified, the Trial Exhibits that appear in the transcript, and any Objection made at Trial.

Advanced Searching

LegalServer’s AI-powered search technology enables users to easily search through large sets of files (including Word Documents, PDFs, Images, Video, and Audio). By digitizing and indexing these documents, the platform makes it simple for attorneys to find the information they need when they need it. This functionality is particularly valuable in cases with extensive discovery materials, where manual review would be time-consuming and potentially prone to human error.

AI Assistants

LegalServer is developing and deploying customizable AI Assistants to help Public Defenders streamline various workflows and provide more effective representation for their clients. These AI Assistants are designed to perform tasks like:

  • Location relevant case information and resources,
  • Reviewing documents, and
  • Providing recommendations for briefs, motions, and discovery requests based on an organization’s previous work product.

At LegalServer, we’re excited about the potential of AI to transform the legal landscape and level the playing field for public defenders. As we continue to invest in and expand our AI capabilities, we remain committed to providing our users with the most advanced, efficient, and effective tools to support their vital work in the pursuit of justice for all.

Contact us today for a run-through of LegalServer, including its growing suite of AI tools.