South Carolina Bar Benefits from Automated Pro Bono Tools
SCBPBP uses the Create Pro Bono Opportunities Tool in LegalServer to flag cases that would be a particularly good fit for their volunteers.
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South Carolina Bar Benefits from Automated Pro Bono Tools
SCBPBP uses the Create Pro Bono Opportunities Tool in LegalServer to flag cases that would be a particularly good fit for their volunteers.
Congratulations to Access to Justice South Dakota for Joining the Legalserver Community!
Access to Justice South Dakota, the first of three South Dakota agencies to go live.
How HIAS Uses Our Immigration Forms Module
The Immigration Forms module in LegalServer helps advocates collect and manage immigration-related data.
Success with Electronic Case Transfer at Maryland Legal Aid
MDLAB provides a range of direct services and self help centers and resources, introducing a variety of unique case-management needs
UMD Law Improves Intake Process
We worked with UMDLaw to provide truly customized experiences to meet the needs of a variety of clinical programs.
Student Advocacy Leveraging Branch Logic
Student Advocacy works in a collaboration with service providers and community organizations to assist students and their families.
Medical Legal Partnership Enhancing Legal Assistance
LCCP is Wyoming's first medical legal partnership bringing free legal assistance to low-income patients who are experiencing legal problems.
Greater Waco Legal Services Seeing Improvements in Legal Aid Clinics
We would like to welcome GWLS to the LegalServer platform.
Highland Park - Highwood Legal Aid Clinic
We are proud to welcome Highland Park - Highwood Legal Aid Clinic to the LegalServer community.
National Community Reinvestment Coalition
We would like to welcome the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) to the LegalServer Platform.
San Diego Volunteer Lawyer Program Now running on LegalServer
Now live on LegalServer, SDVLP has a case management system that is much more configurable with many more case handling features.
Introducing Three New Clients on the LegalServer Platform
With a proven methodology to migrate, our hands on approach results in a smooth transition to a more robust legal aid case management environment.
April 2017 LegalServer Roundup
Action packed month with training, new clients, panels, presentations, and releases.
March 2017 LegalServer Roundup
Last month we saw four code releases on the LegalServer platform and closed 281 tickets.
February 2017 LegalServer Roundup
We hit the ground running in January as we welcomed three new groups to the LegalServer onboarding process.
January 2017 LegalServer Roundup
We welcome many new clients, update our training schedule, and some exciting release udpates.